
Ozzy Simpson he/him/his
I'm currently a senior pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., with an interest in cybersecurity. This semester, I am an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) for CSCI 3313 (Foundations of Computing) at GW; I have previously been a UTA for CSCI 2113 (Software Engineering [Java]) and an undergraduate Learning Assistant for CSCI 2312 (Discrete Structures II) and CSCI 1012 (Intro to Python). This past summer, I was a software engineering intern at Capital One in their Technology Internship Program. I will be continuing my education at GW for a fifth year to earn an M.S. in Computer Science, focusing on computer security and information assurance.
My passion for technology started in kindergarten, when I taught myself how to use iWeb to design websites. Around age ten, I started to teach myself how to develop (and not just design) websites and started a web design business. Since then, I've enjoyed building custom tools for myself, my high school's newspaper and student government, the Sunrise Movement, and other organizations I've been a part of or volunteered for.
When not busy in class and coding (yes, often for fun), I enjoy skiing, advocating for climate action, and finding the best vegan sushi wherever I am (Shizen in SF; Planta in DC, LA, and more).
Online Footprint
- Eatable -> - A neural network to predict prices of D.C. restaurant food from images.
- University System -> - An application, registration, and advising system for universities built in a team with Flask, MySQL, and Bootstrap.
- GWack Slack Simulator -> - A chat room client and server, similar to Slack, built with Java Swing.
- GW Fossil Free Classes -> - A Google Chrome extension that adds icons to identify climate-friendly professors to GW's course lists.
- - from before I knew how big germs were...
- - yeah, I was a one-time ear model